May 22, 2023

Why is Construction Inspection Important?

With years of experience in the field, our Construction team knows how to transform project designs into results by providing guidance and support throughout the process. We help clients understand what is constructible, how contractors view designs, and ensure that what works on paper will work in the field.

According to United States Code, construction inspection is required on all federally-funded projects: “The construction of any highways or portions of highways located on the Federal-aid system shall be undertaken by the respective State transportation departments or under their direct supervision…such construction shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Secretary.”

We take construction inspection very seriously due to its vitality to the successful completion and delivery of a project. As a quality control check of the jobsite and the work taking place, it is important to verify that construction complies with plans and specifications, client requirements, and regulations. The use of heavy equipment, power tools, and more lends itself to regular inspections that recognize potential hazards before incidents occur. Additionally, inspections are meant to detect defects early to avoid rework and additional costs or delays that can follow.

Our Construction team performs the following tasks for clients:

• Managing federal/state/local funding

• Processing change orders and estimates

• Testing materials – soil compaction, concrete testing (air, slump, yield), asphalt sampling

• Ensuring quality construction practices

• Making the work zone safe for both workers and traveling public

• Holding regular progress meetings with the project owners and contractor

• Lead conflict resolution discussion

• Work to keep projects on schedule and within budgetary constraints

• Coordinating with utilities

• Ensuring environmental permitting guidelines are followed

• Ensuring Buy American Policy is met for steel products

At the end of the day, our Construction team is here to be the client’s voice. We pride ourselves on quality work to ensure that projects are completed timely and safely. The clients and communities we serve are always at top of mind, and we love getting the opportunity to reinvent their future.

To learn more about our Construction Administration service, visit our website.

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