September 27, 2023

Waving the Checkered Flag: I-69 Construction is Almost Complete

The finish line is in sight! Since the I-69 groundbreaking in 2008, three generations of Indiana University students have had to deal with construction on the interstate. Many have had to find alternative routes, weave through construction cones, or increase their travel time estimations. Thankfully, however, the fourth generation of IU students will be relieved of those obstacles as the final leg of I-69, Section 6, from Martinsville to I-465 is close to completion!

Nicole Minton's son Cooper holding a picture of him at 18-months old being tossed up by then-Governor Mitch Daniels at the I-69 groundbreaking ceremony.

Here at Lochmueller Group, we’ve been fortunate enough to be involved with the project from its inception, producing the Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), serving as Program Management Consultant for Tier 2, and designing parts of Section 1, Section 4, and Section 6.

Nicole Minton, current Public Outreach Manager, recalls attending the Section 1 groundbreaking ceremony with her son Cooper: “When I was working on the I-69 Tier 2 Studies, I told people time and again that the project was a marathon and not a sprint. Still, it’s hard to believe that the little 18-month-old I took to the project groundbreaking is 16 years old and driving. [Fast forward to] when Section 1 of I-69 opened to traffic, I loaded Cooper and his siblings in the car to go admire the work. I have a feeling we will be heading to Indianapolis for a celebratory drive when Section 6 is officially complete. This time Cooper can take the wheel.”

Obviously, only being 18-months old, Nicole’s son Cooper doesn’t quite remember the groundbreaking; however, he has experienced the I-69 construction for most of his life from the passenger seat. He said: “I don’t remember the groundbreaking, but my mom took me so I could see all the big construction equipment. We moved to Bloomington when I was six, and I can remember the winding roads. Now it’s so easy to get to IU games that my mom makes me drive.”

We’re proud of the work that we and other consultants have done on the I-69 project, from field surveys to roadway design, environmental permitting to right-of-way engineering, bridge design to traffic signal design, mitigation to karst monitoring, and much more. We have no doubt that this project will result in shorter travel times, fewer crashes, and accessibility improvements, and we’re looking forward to the completion of I-69 Section 6!

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